Friday, September 12, 2014

Chris dug this up for me when he was moving out.

I pseudo-finished a job today. Until today, I went in seven days a week. After today, I will go once a week. I really liked the job, but I had cut back because of school commitments, so I made a deal with my boss.

The best part of work today was showing my boss what a USB drive was and how easy it was to use and how cheap it was to buy. My boss was almost giddy to learn about this technology. Before today, he had been burning files onto CDs.

I have had some really good jobs in my life. To have really good jobs in your 20s, you would normally need to be an ambitious, high-performing kind of person, or to be a computer programmer. I am not really either of those, but I have had good jobs, mostly by being in the right place at the right time.

I think the best way to succeed in the workplace is to be someone who plans ahead and who uses checklists to make sure they don't miss things. This is much easier said than done.

I wonder if people in their 20s and 30s build the habit of just memorizing things and being a smart expert, and then in their 40s and 50s their memories get a bit slower and they have to write more things down. Probably the best thing I can do in my 20s is to write down the things I need to get done and not just assume I will remember them.

Chris claims I can use any pasta sauce, that they are all good all last forever. There are a few jars left in our house since he moved out, but I know some of the pasta sauce is pretty old and I can't figure which jars are which. I may need to throw out the pasta sauce and start again.